Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Penilaian Week

Still having penilaian and i m still sitting here blogging..... exam haven't finish i already half dead.......coz i noe my result won't be good... all 2 subject tat i took so down....most of it also dunno how 2 answer....objective 70% is tembak wan.... how i gonna face the coming chemistry and biology?
Dead bear liao.....study and still duno how 2 answer ler.....duno how 2 read now....no mood 2 study..... question very tough... some beng kia oso having problem solving....thn me tis siao kia so down....no need do oso can liao la~
2 more exam.....wan close eye and fast fast finish....thn can relax a bit.....thn baru really wan start work hard liao....if not really die looo~those finish StPm de duno how u guyz study.... i goonna go mad if keep on lik tis~

Wrote on 

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