Tuesday, March 29, 2011

CC prefect camp....meeting

Today went cc to attend their's prefect camp meeting... Hehe~ really very paisei ler....everyone blue in colour except me....LOL~
Erm...duno how to say la~...the camp is not mine...tis camp is belong to all of u... to have the camp a success muz depend on all of u... not me... remmember is all of u...not few of u...
Wat is consider a successful camp? Bare in mind... a camp need support from all AJK, co-operation is damn important... avoid argueing although it sometimes brings some good idea... attend camp is to discuss and not to sit and hear~ be brave to question and be brave to ask and give sugestion...
A camp most important part is the process and the result.... although most of ur camp activities is monopolied by HM but now ur challenge is to bring back the ''high'' atmosphere~ u all muz alwayz think tat all of the prefect are so furious about the camp...made them enjoy it or really ''enjoy'' it...
If any of u have any problem u muz tell the pengerusi....otherwise he is so innocent duno wat is happenning behind him... it only the 2nd meeting today....there is plenty to come... so make some improvment for the coming meeting...may be u feel very hard and tired + frustrated at the beginning....but after u successfully done the camp u will really enjoy the feeling of ''puas''...
Okie la ... the camp is not mine... i m juz a stupid ass doing some kepo work....hoping to help but brings more problem.... hoping to lent a hand but at last juz lik give a push down the cliff....sobz sobz~ i really thk u all can make the camp very enjoyable~ all the best of luck~.....
Fight to the last second!!!!

Wrote on

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