Tuesday, March 29, 2011

New year….

another 1 whole new year...a not very happy year for me....haizz...gonna sit for the stpm tis year dy...still haven't do any preparation~ Will everything goes accordingly 2 wat we wish for?
Hehe....no one knows...i think we should work for wat we want and not juz sit and wait for it to come to us...but ler....hehe...duno wherther i can do it or not? I really hate the pressure... but ppl say only with pressure we can go further....some also say pressure makes us grows old faster....haizzz....
New year I gonna hav a new life Looo~ read more....sleep more.... play more.... everything more....haha~ may all the ppl i love and care have a good lucky ''pig'' year....hehe~

Wrote on

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