Tuesday, March 29, 2011

HAiz~ Chemi Teacher

I really duno wat should i said actually~ haiz...really felt sorriez for our chemistry teacher. Writting a letter to the principal to ask for an exchange of teacher? will that be too off limit? I really no comment oo~

If we think behalf of the students...it will everyone pleasure to have a better and experience teacher...( her teaching is really very boring and confuse sometimes ) as a teacher, her pronouncsation is totally terible...LOL~
If we think in the stand of our teacher...she will be totally dissapointed with wat our doing~ she might fall to the bottom of the world... maybe couldn't ever get out of the deep dark hole~ as all of us can see her determination to help student... no doubt about her will of teaching, but really can't cope to the style of her teaching!~ may be she is not strict enough... everyone think she is not experience and she herself not giving ppl good impression...
Will there be any changes in teacher? there is very low possibility to b... Did us ever think of wat we done in the past? wat is everyone doing when she is teaching? Haha~ Mathematic hw... read Bio for the exam... do P.A graph~...wow... and many many more... how many of u can gurantee that u r 100% paying attention to her teaching? haiz~ If can't pay attention thn wat is more to complain? although I really do think her teaching sucks~
Juz lik wat the principal had told us... F6 can't depends on teacher anymore~ Even the principal knows the quality of the teacher so y do complain so much... It our future out there... do u get wat i mean? OUR's!!! not the teacher's ...so y care so much of the fucking teaching of her? y not keep all these energy to start revising the damn chemistry book.... depend on teacher? why not trust ourself?

Wrote on 

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