Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Penilaian Week

Still having penilaian and i m still sitting here blogging..... exam haven't finish i already half dead.......coz i noe my result won't be good... all 2 subject tat i took so down....most of it also dunno how 2 answer....objective 70% is tembak wan.... how i gonna face the coming chemistry and biology?
Dead bear liao.....study and still duno how 2 answer ler.....duno how 2 read now....no mood 2 study..... question very tough... some beng kia oso having problem solving....thn me tis siao kia so down....no need do oso can liao la~
2 more exam.....wan close eye and fast fast finish....thn can relax a bit.....thn baru really wan start work hard liao....if not really die looo~those finish StPm de duno how u guyz study.... i goonna go mad if keep on lik tis~

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To all cc prefects~

Recently attended the prefect camp in CC.... only 1 word to describe it----''CooL'' ...I am really proud of all of u.....especially the AJK...u all have done a great job to bring the camp to life~.... seeing all of u succeed makes us .....the x-prefect feel proud...
Although i can't 24 be beside u all when the camp is on.... but i noe and i can see all of u done ur job perfectly~.... Tis is the prefect i would lik to see in CC.... keeep up the good job~... Even though u all have a big quarrel b4 camp.... frustrated....almost lose hope.... but u all still made it....and it's so cool~....how is feeling after u succeed? i never lie rite?
Great job to the pengerusi- hoe cheong for being a good leader.... thx too to our 2 siao kia- @_poh (4got his stupid name) & leh chyuan.... without thm the camp would not be so fun.... AJK makanan u all have everyone full....haha....(x-treme 1) ohya... thx for all the food...it taste really good~...and it's free! wakakaka~
Erm....soory for not going to taman rela with u guyz..... cause some tuition prob....haha~but i knew u all hav a great time there~ i had a wonderful time with u guyz....thx alot~ u guyz gav me alot of happiness and everyone of u still remember me...tyty~
For the peserta.... u guyz rockz....haha~ although the 1st day i went u guyz was so down to the ground....but b4 the camp end the whole environment changes.....u guyz gav a good participation~ without u guyz the camp won't b so successful~.... hopefully u all maintain the spirit during the camp when u r back in school...
ohya....sook mun u done a great for designing the clothes.... really wish to own 1 ....really nice....although u felt sick but u still come back to camp.....u r the best....
Lastly, all the AJK and peserta hav done a great job in succending the camp.... if ma zhang see surely she will oso feel proud of it.... as an x-head i feel so proud to say i m the prefect of CC.... CC prefects u guyz really RoCkz!!!!

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CC prefect camp....meeting

Today went cc to attend their's prefect camp meeting... Hehe~ really very paisei ler....everyone blue in colour except me....LOL~
Erm...duno how to say la~...the camp is not mine...tis camp is belong to all of u... to have the camp a success muz depend on all of u... not me... remmember is all of u...not few of u...
Wat is consider a successful camp? Bare in mind... a camp need support from all AJK, co-operation is damn important... avoid argueing although it sometimes brings some good idea... attend camp is to discuss and not to sit and hear~ be brave to question and be brave to ask and give sugestion...
A camp most important part is the process and the result.... although most of ur camp activities is monopolied by HM but now ur challenge is to bring back the ''high'' atmosphere~ u all muz alwayz think tat all of the prefect are so furious about the camp...made them enjoy it or really ''enjoy'' it...
If any of u have any problem u muz tell the pengerusi....otherwise he is so innocent duno wat is happenning behind him... it only the 2nd meeting today....there is plenty to come... so make some improvment for the coming meeting...may be u feel very hard and tired + frustrated at the beginning....but after u successfully done the camp u will really enjoy the feeling of ''puas''...
Okie la ... the camp is not mine... i m juz a stupid ass doing some kepo work....hoping to help but brings more problem.... hoping to lent a hand but at last juz lik give a push down the cliff....sobz sobz~ i really thk u all can make the camp very enjoyable~ all the best of luck~.....
Fight to the last second!!!!

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SiCk Dy~

Another ordinary school day...with all the same faces around... except... me~... my ''batteries'' was so damn low tis morning~ couldn't have my ignition button started... ''cough...cough...'' Today MUET result is out...everyone bz checking result... me? lost... not interested coz too DOWN to care so much~
Class juz start not long thn all monitor have to go for meeting... haiz... AGAIN meeting... they happy no need 2 study ... me so sad~ meeting muz write minit mesyuarat... sick sumore... meeting was so damn long...last for about 3 period... if not sick thn nice la....got air-cond , but when sick its totally diff story!
After tat in all period oso not feeling too well~... bio- batteries getting very low.... T2- Batteries dries out...(half slept), PA- teacher teaching i sleeping~....no energy!!! T1- Goodness cannot sleep...not duwan but....hehe~
Last period... free period...actually should can sleep soundly de.... but it end up not so good~ Sorry guyz...i have no intend to shout at all of u.... but too mad...no more patient...mayb coz sick... not much sound left....cannot tahan too noisy and i wanna say sumthing... haiz.... very regret for shouting, really sorry if i made some of u mad....coz i noe some of u were really innocent~!
Wanna have my noon nap....actually is my rest.... cannot stand anymore...tired....sleepy....duwan thk of hw 1st liao~ tommmorow will be another whole new day....will sick or without sick? dun care...nobody will stop me from going 2 school...^^

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HAiz~ Chemi Teacher

I really duno wat should i said actually~ haiz...really felt sorriez for our chemistry teacher. Writting a letter to the principal to ask for an exchange of teacher? will that be too off limit? I really no comment oo~

If we think behalf of the students...it will everyone pleasure to have a better and experience teacher...( her teaching is really very boring and confuse sometimes ) as a teacher, her pronouncsation is totally terible...LOL~
If we think in the stand of our teacher...she will be totally dissapointed with wat our doing~ she might fall to the bottom of the world... maybe couldn't ever get out of the deep dark hole~ as all of us can see her determination to help student... no doubt about her will of teaching, but really can't cope to the style of her teaching!~ may be she is not strict enough... everyone think she is not experience and she herself not giving ppl good impression...
Will there be any changes in teacher? there is very low possibility to b... Did us ever think of wat we done in the past? wat is everyone doing when she is teaching? Haha~ Mathematic hw... read Bio for the exam... do P.A graph~...wow... and many many more... how many of u can gurantee that u r 100% paying attention to her teaching? haiz~ If can't pay attention thn wat is more to complain? although I really do think her teaching sucks~
Juz lik wat the principal had told us... F6 can't depends on teacher anymore~ Even the principal knows the quality of the teacher so y do complain so much... It our future out there... do u get wat i mean? OUR's!!! not the teacher's ...so y care so much of the fucking teaching of her? y not keep all these energy to start revising the damn chemistry book.... depend on teacher? why not trust ourself?

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New year….

another 1 whole new year...a not very happy year for me....haizz...gonna sit for the stpm tis year dy...still haven't do any preparation~ Will everything goes accordingly 2 wat we wish for?
Hehe....no one knows...i think we should work for wat we want and not juz sit and wait for it to come to us...but ler....hehe...duno wherther i can do it or not? I really hate the pressure... but ppl say only with pressure we can go further....some also say pressure makes us grows old faster....haizzz....
New year I gonna hav a new life Looo~ read more....sleep more.... play more.... everything more....haha~ may all the ppl i love and care have a good lucky ''pig'' year....hehe~

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