Wednesday, February 9, 2011

y always Me

Y am I the one 2 be blame after all things turn out wrong? In fact, I dun think tat i m the person who is wrong....wat would u do when u hav been blamed? U can't be angry when u blamed the wrong person and he voice out loud 2 defence himself >_< ... wat u expect from me? take all the blame?

I am also a human being...having soul and feeling~ I sat down and think for quite a long time.... at last i came out with a conclusion tat which i dun thk it is a conclusion -----> it my fate and destiny 2 b born lik tis~

I will try my best 2 cope on with tis kinda situation~hopefully i wont face any more blame and problems in the future~I wont blame the person tat blamed me, coz he/she is someone i respect and care... wish i won't hurt his/her feelings anymore...

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