Wednesday, February 9, 2011

MisUnDersTandiNg L3ad t0 War

Dunno how and where to start ler... haiz...let's start here bah~ Few months ago, a poor little always receive all kinds of sms from a ''stranger''... This made her so curious to know who he is but he juz ignored all the message tis poor gal sent~
Until last night, this gal receive a sms stated tat '' u must be careful... dun walk on the street alone...'' erm... wat do u difine tis sms? there is 2 ways of saying .... 1st- tis is a message to ask u to be careful as a friend,  2nd- tis is a warning message to warn u~ So tis gal take it as a warning sms!! she was so frighten and far away from her family....wat a poor thing...
The next morning, she told all of us about tis mysterous person and we help her out to find out who he is throught the h/p no. ~ Godz when we found out who is ''stranger'' is....all of us get shock~ coz he is juz rite in our tis situation get worst when tis poor gal's friend from another class came for apologise from tis guy...
Tis poor gal told her good friends (3) about tis matter~ thn all 3 of the friends went to our class to search for tis guy~ Haiz~ tis guy oso 1 de...apologise so hard to say meh? those galz oso purposely make thing worst by bring the matter to the principal~ if the guy apologise tis problem will settle fast~but coz of his precious face...he defend himself~(really duno wat can he defend oso) the war continued in the HM room~
As for the poor galz frenz~ duno y must they act lik gangsters? 2 of them somemore is a prefect ler...prefect = gangster? warning here and there >_< and where got gangsters warning during lesson? wanna act lik gangster but act lik shit~ juz because both side dunwan to tolerate each other the matter worsten~
After out of the HM room, the galz friends came out with pride and proud coz they won the ''battle'' but the guy still couldn't accept the fact...Still debating tat although he is in the wrong but the gal's friends oso wrong by making him shame~ LoL`~As outsider...will think tat the war has ended but there come another cold war ~
Tis poor little innocent gal really get confuse by tis whole matter... all the battle was bring up by her frenz not her...but she feel lik she is the main factor for all tis~poor gal~ Hey~ u r not in the wrong... I dunno how our class gonna be if tis matter is bring up to next year~hopefully not~
As conclusion~if if if the guy could juz tolerate tis matter lik a man~thn tis matter can soon be over~ Hey guy stand up lik man la~ 

Wrote on

haha... wonder if he really apologize? XD

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