Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bamboo seacrh and sorry

Yesterday I went on a crazy bamboo hunt~ all started with Kuan cheng as our ''road tracker''!!! haha~ we go searching everywhere from smch to kampong cina...furthermore, when we keep going the cloud started rainning....godz... we are so far away from school when the rain fall~ we search the whole kampong cina ( not whole la coz been chase by dog so stop liao ).
at last we found nothing ....haha~ juz walking under the rain for 1 hour ... although it is rainning , we still keep on our mission~ after all the long search... our ''super keng'' de kuan cheng bring us back 2 wher we beginz - the school? yupz~thn we juz go to the almost ''botak'' de bamboo bush near SMCC~ we juz manage to chop down 4 and tat's all~Enuff? u muz be kidding~ the bamboo search started with full of hope coz we hav Karen with us ...LoL~She oso bring us to the same place kuan cheng took us....and the search failed~luckily tis time we go on car for survey 1st~ (Smart a little already) luckily we met another hope- hong ju? or somthing lik tat la~ he bring us right to the bamboo bush tat we are searching for 2 dayz....thx alot~ we chop off 6 more bamboo ~ the chopping process is very fast and quite easy but when it come to bring it back 2 school....haha~ damn tired~
we carried 2 bamboo with 2 person....heavy bo? wanna noe go try urself la.... carry until i almost fainted la coz cannot breathe properly~carry those heavy bamboo on our shoulder walking from kampung cina back school for more thn half an hour~hand felt so pain (coz of chopping ) body exhausted~
What's all tis for? camp lor....and it din involve me de ler~ I juz pakat go help my fren nia~ they are my ex-prefect teammate tat help me alot in my career last year~ so i hope i can do some thing for them as appreciation for wat they hav done for me~ yo~ friendship sail for ever~
Another thing....sorry coz i broke my promise to arrive at Tengku Anis at 10.30 but failed... Maybe i m not so good after all~ Hope u all can forgive me nah~ I really wish i could be there catching bugz with u guyz~ unfortunately we found the bamboo quite late.... Tis let me learn a lesson never make 2 promise in a time where they might get clash~ Very sorry~

Wrote on

Hmm... My pal kuan cheng, chen yen and li chong... lost contact with li chong which sail over to Singapore =.=" wish them all da best in da future... Miss da time we had during our F5 prefect's day...haha~

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